
A complete list of my publications can be found on NASA ADS


Roberson, M. S.; Fremling, C; Kasliwal, M. (Tzanidakis A., beta feedback and evaluation). DBSP_DRP: A Python package for automated spectroscopic data reduction of DBSP data. JOSS, 2021 joss: 03612

Cardoso, J. V.,; Barentsen, G., Hedges, C. et al. (including Tzanidakis, A.) Lightkurve: Kepler and TESS Time Series Analysis in Python. Astrophysics Source Code Library, 2018 ascl: 1812.013

Undergraduate Research

Tzanidakis, A.; Johnston, K.V.; Sheffield A. A., and Price-Whelan, A. M., Mapping Galactic Oscillations with M Giants in Gaia DR2. Columbia University, 2019 (B.A senior thesis)

Tzanidakis, A. and Ratcliffe, B. Investigating the Age, Metallicity and Actions of RGB and MS Stars with the GALAH Survey. Midterm research project for Modern Stellar Astrophysics course, instructed by Professor Melissa Ness. Columbia University, New York.

Tzanidakis, A. Data Driven Calculations for Wave Energy Harvesting in Long Island, New York. Midterm research project in Classical Waves Physics course. Columbia University, New York.

Construction and Set-up of Low-Budget Radio Telescope at Rutherford Observatory, Columbia University, New York. Observational Astrophysics (ASTR C3646).